Celebrate Hacktoberfest with these Exciting Open Source Repositories to contribute to

Dhanush N
2 min readOct 4, 2023

Hey !!!

Are you into Hacktoberfest

Here are few repositories which you can contribute 👇

  • Harmony Code
    A music app to listen while coding created using react, next js.
  • Python Scripts
    Add automated python scripts which can automate your daily tasks
  • Calculator
    Use html, css, javascript to make this code better. Add issues or solve the existing ones
  • Web Development Resources
    There are a wide variety of web development resources available online, some are curated here. Feel free to add more.
  • Breakout Game
    This one is breakout game built with html canvas, css & javascript. Try to make it better, check the issues section or enhance the functionality.
  • NodeJs Resources
    An ultimate list of nodejs resources. Add more resources or sections related to nodejs to make this repository as a nodejs resource hub.
  • Board
    A board currently made up of html, css & javascript for just scribbling or writing things. Try to make it better, check the issues section or enhance the functionality.
  • Tech Jobs List
    A collection of job sites which every developer can refer



Dhanush N
Dhanush N

Written by Dhanush N

Engineer | Chess Player | Aspiring Hacker 👉 Let's Connect 👋 🔗 https://www.youtube.com/@dhanushnehru

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